The Purpose
When I originally began offering my services to those outside my kink family, it was because I observed how other doms & photographers were taking advantage of my friends & partners in the kink or content creation communities. They told me of their experiences. How abusers used their money to buy equipment to "help" the model or sex worker, only to use it as a way to manipulate or abuse their position, often crossing boundaries & using the content they shot with the model as a hostage to keep them quiet or coming back. Almost everyone turned their back on the larger community and started to isolate into tight groups, not seeking out new knowledge and experiences out of fear.
My intent is to make sure that doesn't happen to anyone who finds my website, by allowing a space for you to explore and learn while allowing you to maintain control & learn to assert your boundaries.
The Start
Through BDSM, I believe I became a better version of myself. I was allowed the space to heal through the openness and freedom the community afforded me. As I became more knowledgeable I wanted to help others like I experienced. It all started when someone recommended me to do Shibari. After trying it with a partner, it instantly became my passion and has been a creative outlet not only for rope but all my other artistic and intellectual talents ever since.
Bound by Loki started because it is apparent that the kink community has a problem with transparency & the more resources to fight that, the better off we all are.
The Goal
In short, I want to see a better educated kink & sex worker community that helps each other grow & find everyone their niche.
It's my sincerest hope that you'll take advantage of this website & any provided resources so we can help educate, encourage, & guide more people down an ethical & safe path in the BDSM & SW communities. We need to continue to educate and provide access to information for self-education, risk mitigation, & afford a way to openly share knowledge & artistry with others so they will hopefully do the same for others!
Welcome to Bound by Loki!

My Shibari

First Step
Reach out to me using one of the many ways I have provided to contact me!
Please be sure to provide your name, the service(s) you are interested in, and the best way for me to reach back out to you.
If you have special concerns or requirements, I encourage you to voice them. I am not here to judge you and will do my best to accommodate your needs.

Second Step
I will reach out to you within 7 days about your request.
During this step, I will need to ask certain questions to gauge various requirements and costs (if any) about the project or session you want me to do.
Expect questions about location preference, your clothing choices (or if you will be wearing any), health complications, etc.
Please don't be afraid to be upfront about your needs,concerns, and expectations.

Third Step
At this point we can set up an appointment. We will need to find a date, time, location, and theme that works best for what you are wanting done. Establishing a detailed plan can take time and communication, please be patient.
Typically I have fresh availability within one week of us reaching the appointment setting part in the process.
Some larger or more unique projects may take longer and by special request, sessions can happen sooner than later to suit your needs, but that will need to be communicated.

Fourth Step
The day of our appointment, I will reach out to confirm the agreed upon time and location and ensure we are on the same page about things.
Once we meet, I will go over an introduction, negotiation, brief you on my plan, finish setup prep, and then we can begin our session or project together.
Most sessions without photos can take 3 to 6 hours, photos can add an extra hour or two to the appointment time.
Once we are finished, I will ask you if you need aftercare of any kind, debrief you on what my next steps will be, and ask you to leave some feedback or a review.